20 Things to Do When You're 20 | The Girl Who Does Everything blog

20 Things to Do When You’re Twenty

My List   Yesterday was my twentieth birthday. I don’t feel older than I did when I was nineteen, but I feel as though when I say I’m twenty it sounds so different. This is the first time in seven years that my age doesn’t have “teen” at the end of it. I can finally say I am an adult…

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26 Ways to Teach Children the Bible | Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, Christian school teacher, or even a parent who just wants some more ideas on how to teach children the Bible, this post is for you! | The Girl Who Does Everything blog

26 Creative Ways to Teach Children the Bible

The Ultimate List of Ideas and Inspiration Have you ever tried to teach a Sunday school lesson to eighteen toddlers? I have, and let me tell you it was one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life. Those kiddos have absolutely no attention span! I was doing some research one time and I read that…

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How to Write a Thank You Note | Here are a few tips everyone should know about writing thank you notes. | The Girl Who Does Everything blog

How to Write a Thank You Note

With Thanksgiving time upon us and Christmas right around the corner, what better way to prepare for the holidays than to refresh yourself on the art of writing the perfect thank you note (yes, the art of  thank you note writing is a thing.). Thank you notes aren’t just for when you receive gifts. They can be used to express…

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The College Girl's Healthy Grocery List | Here are 10 inexpensive items to add to your college pantry to make eating healthy a whole lot easier. | The Girl Who Does Everything blog

College Girl’s Healthy Grocery List

It’s reached that point of the semester. That time when sickness is going around to every dorm room. That time when all of your projects are due on the same day so you become a “dorm person” and never leave your room except for classes and the occasional meal. That time when you finished paying the last installment of your…

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